When Do You Need to Call a Plumber? A Guide for Home Builders

When Do You Need to Call a Plumber? A Guide for Home Builders

9 October 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Building a new home can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with a host of responsibilities. Ensuring that the plumbing system is in good working order is an essential part of the process. However, it can be challenging to determine when you need to call a plumber and when DIY methods are sufficient. Here's a guide to help you determine when it's time to contact a plumber during your home-building process.

Installation of New Pipes or Fixtures

If you're building a new home, you'll need to install new pipes and fixtures. This work needs to be done by a professional plumber, as it requires expertise and precision. A licensed plumber has the knowledge and experience to ensure that the installation is done correctly. Before you start the installation process, research licensed plumbers in your area and call them to get an estimate. This will give you an idea of the cost of the installation, and you can make an informed decision.

Sewage Backup

If you're experiencing a sewage backup, it's time to call a plumber immediately. Sewage backup is a sign that there is a clogged drain or there is a problem with your sewer line. If you notice a foul smell or gurgling noises coming from your pipes, these are clear signs of sewage backup. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse, and you'll end up spending more money on repairs. A skilled plumber employs precise tools and techniques to swiftly diagnose the underlying issue and promptly rectify it.

Water Pressure Issues

When you're building a new home, it's essential to ensure that you have adequate water pressure. Low water pressure may indicate a clogged pipe, damaged water line, or a problem with the water heater. The first step is to check the water pressure gauge. If it's below 40 psi, it's time to call a plumber. A licensed plumber will determine the root of the problem and make the necessary repairs.


Water leaks are a common problem in new homes. They can occur due to a damaged pipe, loose connection, or the use of inferior plumbing materials. If you notice water stains on your ceiling or walls, a puddle of water in your basement, or an increase in your water bill, it's time to call a plumber. A licensed plumber will conduct a thorough inspection of your plumbing system, identify any leaks, and make timely repairs.

Water Heater Problems

A water heater is an essential appliance in every home. It's responsible for heating water for your shower, cooking, and laundry needs. If you notice lukewarm water or no hot water at all, it's time to call a plumber. Water heater problems can occur due to a damaged heating element, broken thermostat, or sediment buildup. A skilled plumber will accurately diagnose the issue at hand and proficiently carry out the required repairs, ensuring a swift resolution to your plumbing concerns.

Building a new home is an exciting experience, but it also comes with responsibilities. One of the most crucial aspects is ensuring that your plumbing system is in good working order. By following the guide above, you can determine when it's time to call a plumber and ensure that your plumbing system is maintained efficiently. Remember to research licensed plumbers in your area, ask for referrals, and get an estimate before hiring a plumber. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and feel certain that your plumbing system is installed and maintained correctly.

For more information, contact a plumber in your area.

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