FAQs About The Residential Electrician And Home Renovation

FAQs About The Residential Electrician And Home Renovation

16 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog

How can a residential electrician help you with your home remodel? Your home is ready for a serious upgrade. But it needs more than just paint, carpet, and new appliances. Before you start a major renovation, take a look at what you need to know about residential electrician services.

Do You Need To Hire A Pro For Every Electrical Job?

Yes, you need to hire a professional to complete every electrical upgrade during your next home improvement project. Even though your project is a major renovation, some of the electrical changes may seem like minor services. While a light switch replacement or adding a new fixture may seem like simple DIYs, these projects drive the same professional expertise and experience that a full rewire would.

An electrician can reduce home hazards, increase the overall safety of the project, help you to avoid accidental injuries (such as shocks or burns), and give you the result you expect. The pro can also eliminate the need to spend your free time watching DIY videos or learning a new skill/trade.

What Types of Electrical Projects Do You Need Help With During A Home Renovation?

The answer to this question depends on the home renovation project itself. Some full-home projects may require a major rewire or a similar type of larger electrical upgrade, while others are specific to a room. Common room-by-room electrical renovation projects include:

  • The kitchen. Electrical projects during a kitchen remodel may include appliance installation, vent/over-the-stove light installation, rewiring, wiring and installing lighting fixtures, and garbage disposal installation.
  • The bathroom. You may need an electrician to install lighting fixtures, install a vent, or add special features to a high-tech shower. The electrician may also need to install new GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) receptacles.
  • The bedroom. Like other rooms, you may need to hire an electrician to install a new lighting fixture in the bedroom. This could include overhead lighting or bedside lights.
  • The living room. An electrician can install your living room media center during a renovation. If you need new wiring to support the technical requirements of a larger TV or sound system, contact a professional.
  • The exterior. Interior projects aren't the only reasons to use an electrician during a home renovation. You may need an electrician to install exterior lighting, a cooktop, a backyard media center, or a lighted water feature.

You may also need to update and replace light switches and outlets in each room. Along with the traditional types of switches and receptacles, you may also want to explore smart upgrade options. These high-tech electrical components also require help from a seasoned pro to install. Make sure the electrician has experience specifically with smart switches/outlets before you hire a contractor.

For more information, contact a residential electrician near you.

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