4 Important Questions You Should Ask A Commercial Electrical Contractor Before Installing Lighting

4 Important Questions You Should Ask A Commercial Electrical Contractor Before Installing Lighting

20 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Installing lighting in a commercial space entails more than just picking fixtures and bulbs. It requires the skill of an experienced electrical contractor to ensure all parts are connected properly and safely.

Before beginning a lighting installation project, you should understand the dynamics of lighting a commercial space. To ensure your project is successful, here are four critical questions you should ask your commercial electrical contractor.

What Type of Lighting Fixtures Do You Recommend?

Lighting fixtures can significantly impact the aesthetic feel and safety of your commercial space. When you want to create an impression, it is important to choose the right lighting fixtures for your project.

Your commercial electrical contractor can help you select from various fixtures, including recessed lighting, track lighting, and wall-mounted lights. They can also advise on the best placement of these fixtures and how many should be used to achieve optimal results.

Are there any Permits or Regulations I Should Consider Before Beginning the Project?

In some cases, local government regulations may limit the types of lighting fixtures you can install in a commercial space. They may also require permits for certain types of lighting. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in hefty fines or criminal charges.

Your commercial electrical contractor can help you navigate the local regulations and obtain the necessary permits for your project. This will ensure your lighting installation is done according to standard requirements and avoid any potential problems down the road.

What Materials Will You Use For Installation?

Besides the bulbs and fixtures, there are other materials needed for installation. That includes wiring, lighting controls, mounting hardware, and other components necessary for the project.

You should include the cost of these materials in your overall budget. Your commercial electrical contractor can help you select quality and cost-effective components for your project.

Do You Provide Warranty Services?

Most commercial lighting projects come with a warranty that covers manufacturer defects and workmanship-related issues. Your commercial electrical contractor should provide details on what is covered under your warranty and the duration of coverage.

It is essential to read through the warranty before starting your project to ensure you know what is included and how to make a claim if necessary.

Installing commercial lighting can be a complex process, but with the help of an experienced commercial electrical contractor, you can complete your project successfully. Ensure to ask questions and discuss your needs in detail before the installation begins. Contact a reputable commercial electrical contractor to learn how they can help with your lighting installation.

Reach out to a company like Reinhold Electric to learn more.

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