Electric Vehicle Charger Installation — Protocols To Focus On

Electric Vehicle Charger Installation — Protocols To Focus On

1 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog

If you ever buy an electric vehicle, you may want to set up a charger at home so that you can easily keep said vehicle powered. EV charger installation isn't as tricky as it sounds if you take several measures.

Find a Competent Electrician 

You should never try installing an EV charger yourself because you could get hurt. You're not familiar with electrical safety protocols, after all. The best way to safely handle an EV charger installation is to hire an electrician. Just make sure they're very familiar with your specific charger.

They should know its makeup, how to install it around a residential property, and regulations to comply with. The electrician should also study your property's current electrical systems to see how the charger will fit in with them.

Get Recommendations For the Charger's Location

An important part of an EV charger install is where you decide to put the charging solution. There might be a couple of viable choices, but to ensure you make the right decision, go ahead and get your electrician's advice on an ideal location.

Since they set these systems up regularly for clients like yourself, they'll know what area of your home will work best. They'll base their location recommendation on the layout of your property, where you park the electric vehicle, and the existing wiring.

The electrician should meet with you days before the installation to assess possible setup locations. Give them your input, too, so you're delighted with installation and subsequently have no issues charging your EV.

Continue to Have Charger Professionally Tested

Once you get an EV charger set up successfully in your home, it's wise to have a professional continue to test it. You can then make sure it never puts your home or your safety at risk. Just make sure the inspector is well-versed in these charger systems.

They can then review important aspects on a consistent interval, such as the temperature the charger reaches when it powers up your electric vehicle and the safety of electrical components. If there are any red flags, the inspector can bring them to your attention before it's too late.

If you invested in an electric vehicle, you may also want to buy a home charger for it. As long as you do everything necessary to set it up to code, you can easily and safely charge an EV after driving it each day.

Contact a service provider to learn more about electric charger installations such as Tesla charger installations

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